Dan Abrams Discusses Politics, Law, and the Constitution

Steve Adubato goes One-on-One with Dan Abrams, CEO and Founder, Abrams Media and Chief Legal Analyst, ABC News to discuss the intersection between politics, law and the Constitution. Abrams also shares his new book "Theodore Roosevelt for the Defense: The Courtroom Battle to Save His Legacy."

5/30/19 #2223






"We have him again. Dan Abrams, who is CEO and Founder, Abrams Media, and also Chief Legal Analyst, ABC News, and also SiriusXM, everyday, 2 P.M. he does a podcast... not a podcast, it's on SiriusXM. It's called Where Politics Meets The Law. The Dan Abrams Show. Hey Dan, one of the things I just said to you... one more thing, by the way. Plug this book. Theodore Roosevelt for the Defense: The Courtroom Battle to Save His Legacy. One of the problems with Dan is there are so many things I want to talk to him about, but we are... I'm gonna... they'll be up on the screen where I'm gonna say we're taping on the 9th of May. Things will change in the months that this program will repeat. Constitutional crisis, you define as? A constitutional crisis to me would be if the president, or any of his inside team, were to defy a court order. So fights between Congress and the president are not that unusual in the executive branch. You could argue that this is a different level. But when you start calling it a constitutional crisis, that, to me, is saying the system is failing. And there's a remedy right now. When Congress is fighting with the president, with the executive branch, they go to the courts to determine. So to me, a crisis would occur if court orders started being ignored. And that hasn't happened. And that's why I wouldn't say it's accurate today to call it a constitutional crisis. A month or two months from now? This program repeats... Yeah. ...repeats after that. And the president has in fact defied a court order, but the courts would have to act first for him to defy a court order? Yup. Do you think the president is counting...? Not that we know. Do you think the president is counting on somehow the courts not acting in a way that some of us think the courts should act, because Congress and the president are supposed to be co-equal branches of government? So I think, first of all, part of the strategy right now of the administration is to delay. Part of it is that... Because the courts work slowly? Because the courts work slowly. And you know they're, I think, hopeful that at least for right now, they won't have to deal with these issues of having people testify, and a big spectacle surrounding it. I think from their perspective they'd like to push it off a little bit anyway. They'd certainly like to push it past November of 2020 if they can. And look, court proceedings... the..."